Ace the PANCE Exam with the help of PA Easy

A student studying in the Bay Shore Library
Studying at the Bay Shore Library

Certification exams loom over most students enrolled at the Touro College School of Health Sciences.  These exams are an inevitable part of the medical field and are often regarded as terrifying by students and professors alike.  The best way to rise above the chatter and to take on these exams head on is preparation.  Touro College Libraries are here to help!  We maintain a large collection of review materials including books, ebooks and databases. Continue reading

(Not so) Lazy Sunday


(CC0 image by Shannon McGee)
(CC0 image by Shannon McGee)

The New Year is upon us!  No doubt your expectations are high for this new beginning, and your resolutions list includes life changes to promote healthy and productive habits.

Do any of your resolutions include spending a bit more time reading? Avoiding procrastination and studying earlier or working on assignments earlier than the night before they’re due?  Staying organized?

If any of these resolutions sound familiar, I have a bit of advice for you… take advantage of Sundays at the Library! Continue reading

Heading back to the classroom: 3D printer training


The class crowds around as one participant prepares the machine for printing, including leveling the build plate and loading filament into the extruder

As many of you know, the Bay Shore Library has received a 3D printer, thanks to a ‘Medical Library Project’ grant to provide the funds for the printer and its materials. In order to prepare for its integration into courses as well as use in the Library, Touro Librarians along with Professors and IT staff members headed back to the classroom for a two-day MakerBot training course. Continue reading

Point of Care Tool – Access Medicine App

AM-ApphomeThe popular Access Medicine Database now has an app for mobile devices!  This app represents a portable, concise, easily searchable, version of the Access Medicine Database, making it an essential point of care tool and quick reference guide!

The App is organized into four distinct sections that provide speedy access to information:

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Calling all students on rotations! Evidence is at your Fingertips.

Touro College now has access to an exciting new resource specifically formulated for point of care use!

courtesy of EBSCOhost
courtesy of EBSCOhost

What is DynaMed?

DynaMed is a clinical reference tool created by physicians for physicians and health care professionals for clinical/point of care use.  DynaMed provides current evidence-based information that is accessible anytime, anywhere.

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Exams, papers, classes: Don’t stress! Or maybe you should?!?

Take a few moments and listen to Health Psychologist Kelly McGonigal’s powerful TED Talk.  This 14 minute video could help you re-frame your “stress” mindset, and adjust your reaction to the stresses of student life.

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Ebola – Where to get the facts
(CC image by Mike Licht)

Overwhelmed by the constant stream of news about Ebola?

The media hype surrounding the Ebola Virus in the United States and abroad has allowed for an astounding amount of information to permeate our daily lives.  Having access to the most current and reliable information is crucial when dealing with any public health emergency, in this case an infectious disease.

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