What Are You Reading This Summer?

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One great way to spend a few free summer hours is to do some fun reading. The summer is a great time to fuel your personal interests by reading some new and exciting things. It’s also a good way for students to keep their minds engaged and continue learning over break. With the end of classes, students often find themselves with the opportunity to read items not mandated by their course curriculum. The LCW students that I spoke to are planning to read some great things this summer! Here is what a few of our students are looking forward to reading during their time away from classes: Continue reading

Project Gutenberg: Read the Classics (and more) for Free

visit www.gutenberg.org for copyright-free reads

Project Gutenberg is a volunteer organized digital library of literature and other cultural works. According to their mission statement “The mission of Project Gutenberg is simple: To encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks. This mission is, as much as possible, to encourage all those who are interested in making eBooks and helping to give them away. In fact, Project Gutenberg approves about 99% of all requests from those who would like to make our eBooks and give them away, within their various local copyright limitations. Project Gutenberg is powered by ideas, ideals, and by idealism. Project Gutenberg is not powered by financial or political power. Therefore Project Gutenberg is powered totally by volunteers” (Project Gutenberg Mission Statement). Continue reading

Start the semester off right: 4 tips for academic success

(CC0 image by Jay Mantri)
(CC0 image by Jay Mantri)

Whether you’ve been at Touro for a few semesters or you’re joining us for the first time, there a few key steps all students should take to make sure you’re set up to do your best. Writing and research is an inescapable part of most college courses, but it can sometimes be a frustrating process. The good news is that the library is here for all your research needs, from finding sources and understanding new information, to academic writing and creating citations. In fact, a recent report released by the ALA found that, “students who receive library instruction as part of their courses achieve higher grades,” and gain “confidence with the research process.” If that sounds good to you, make sure that you follow these tips! Continue reading

Essential Steps to Academic Success

(CC0 image by Jay Mantri)
(CC0 image by Jay Mantri)

Whether you’ve been at Touro for a few semester or you just joined us this Spring, there a few key steps all students should take to make sure you’re set up to do your best. Writing and research is an inescapable part of most college courses, but it can sometimes be a frustrating process. The good news is that the library is here for all your research needs, from finding sources and understanding new information to academic writing and creating citations. In fact, a recent report released by the ALA found that, “students who receive library instruction as part of their courses achieve higher grades,” and gain “confidence with the research process.” If that sounds good to you, make sure that you follow these tips! Continue reading

Tips to Beat Stress

(CC image via Pixabay)
(CC image via Pixabay)

Stress is part of the everyday life of almost every person old enough to have responsibilities and deadlines. Stressed is an inevitable state of being that everyone at some time or another has felt or will feel. It can not only take a toll on our minds but on our bodies as well. Personally, my stress tends to build not only in my brain but in my neck and back as tightly bound knots. Over time I have learned some mindful relaxation tips and techniques to help relieve my stress that I want to share with you. Continue reading

From the Reference Desk: Jewish Business Ethics

(CC image by Orietta.Sberla)

Students often come into the Touro Libraries looking for books and journal articles for their research. They are familiar with the stacks of books and even some of our major databases, but few know about an online research guides that combines information on print and electronic sources into one convenient package. I am talking about our LibGuides. The LibGuides are a collection of research guides on a variety of topics. Recently, one of our LibGuides came in very handy when a student came in looking for information we had on Jewish Business Ethics. Continue reading