Start the semester off right: 4 tips for academic success

(CC0 image by Jay Mantri)
(CC0 image by Jay Mantri)

Whether you’ve been at Touro for a few semesters or you’re joining us for the first time, there a few key steps all students should take to make sure you’re set up to do your best. Writing and research is an inescapable part of most college courses, but it can sometimes be a frustrating process. The good news is that the library is here for all your research needs, from finding sources and understanding new information, to academic writing and creating citations. In fact, a recent report released by the ALA found that, “students who receive library instruction as part of their courses achieve higher grades,” and gain “confidence with the research process.” If that sounds good to you, make sure that you follow these tips! Continue reading

Staff Profile: Joe Brown

New Bay Shore Librarian Joe Brown
New Bay Shore Librarian Joe Brown

Hello! I am Joe Brown, the new evening librarian at the Bay Shore School of Health Sciences.  I received my undergraduate degree in Cultural Anthropology and History from the University at Albany, in 2000.  Nine years later…I received my MLS from Queens College in 2009. In between these two degrees I was lucky enough to take part in many interesting employment adventures.  To share a little of my history, here are some snapshots.

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Don’t Give Away Your Rights! Copyright For Authors

So, you’ve written an article for a journal. Congratulations! Next, you send it in and wait eagerly for the editor to contact you. Success! Your article has been accepted for publication. But wait! They want you to sign an agreement first, filled with (what looks to you) lots of legal mumbo-jumbo, and there’s something about assigning your copyright to the publisher. But if you sign it, you get to be a published author, so who cares what it says, right?

Not so fast! Continue reading

Touro Makers Showcase 3D Creativity at LI Faire

Touro College OT student, Stephanie Jacobs, observing the freshly-printed items

On Saturday, June 4 a group of our library staff and faculty from the Touro College School of Health Sciences attended the Eastern Long Island Mini Maker Faire at Port Jefferson, NY.  We were very excited to share our 3D project, showcasing Touro College student creativity. Continue reading

Ready, Set, Go! Emergency Preparedness Luncheon

Director of Emergency Preparedness Shoshana Yehuda & Senior Vice President of Operations Jeffrey Rosengarten lead a rousing game of Emergency Preparedness Jeopardy

When you try to listen to the news these days, there are several popular themes: the upcoming election, terror attacks all over the world, refugee crises.  The motto of our lives, “If you see something, say something,” has become the slogan you hear from dusk to dawn in the streets, in the subway, on the news.  Emergency preparedness has become part of our daily routine, even if we do not realize it. Driving through the streets of our great city, you can see signs: in case of emergency go there, do this.  Be prepared, be vigilant, watch, listen, report! Scary! Continue reading