Proquest RefWorks on iPad

(CC0 image via Pexels)
(CC0 image via Pexels)

This post was updated on April 19 2017.

RefWorks is the newest addition to our suite of tools and resources for our students and faculty at Touro. It’s easy to use and can save you oodles of time saving, organizing, and citing your research, like with its one-click bibliography generator. It’s a lifesaver on a laptop, but will it work on your mobile device? Since many of our Health Sciences students use iPads in the classroom, in labs, and to complete their coursework—plus the Midtown, Midwood, and LCW branches of Touro Libraries offer iPads to borrow—I took a close look at how RefWorks works on iOS. Read on to see my findings and get tips to get the most out of the new RefWorks on iPad. Continue reading

Are Audiobooks for you?



Have you ever listened to an audio book? A key advantage is that they are hands-free, allowing you to listen to a book while doing something else. There are opportunities to listen while sitting on the bus, train or plane, traveling by car, standing on line, working out, sunbathing, knitting, fishing, gardening, sitting in a waiting room, cooking or walking. The possibilities are endless! Continue reading

Tech Addiction?



We live in a time of high speed and even higher velocity.  Sometimes walking on the streets of our great city I have a feeling that I am living in the zombie land. Did you ever try to look around?  People talk to themselves, shake heads, clap, sing.  And only after a while you realize that they are talking on the phone, listening to the music, or dancing to the same tunes simultaneously.  Our gadgets have become our best friends. Continue reading

Director’s Corner

Bashe2_FotorWelcome to the Touro College Libraries’ blog.  We plan on providing the Touro community with informational tidbits and updates about our libraries.  Join us in touring the Touro College Libraries and keeping up with our happenings.

Currently, we are excited to share with you our two newest initiatives.  iPads are now available for circulation at two Touro libraries.  Midwood (Ave J) and Midtown (23rd Street) libraries have iPads for student and faculty use for 24-hour checkout.  Additionally, the library at Kew Gardens Hills has recently acquired an iPad cart containing 20 iPads for library classroom instructional use – Information Literacy on wheels.  Every indication is that it has been very well received by the students. (Check out our Facebook for more photos!)


We look forward to sharing with you other library news. Touro College Libraries will keep you updated as we work to anticipate and meet your ongoing needs for research and information.


Bashe Simon

Director of Libraries