poem in your pocket

Tomorrow, April 24, is Poem in Your Pocket Day. On this day, people all over the United States select a poem, carry it with them, and share it with others throughout the day. Dr. Gerald Barry, former associate dean of the School of Health Sciences, was a champion of Poem in Your Pocket Day. Each year he promoted this special day and encouraged (even insisted) his students and colleagues bring a poem to school to share. Since Dr. Barry retired this past fall, the library at the Bay Shore Campus has stepped in to promote Poem in Your Pocket Day. So in honor of Dr. Barry, go ahead and take a few minutes to find a poem, print it out and put it in your pocket.

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Library Orientations Go Global

Dean Boylan (left) in Moscow in 1990 for the opening of the Lander Institute.
Dean Boylan (left) in Moscow in 1990 for the opening of the Lander Institute.

Great news! Touro College Libraries’ orientation program has gone global! For the first time, we were invited to present our library resources via video conferencing to our Lander Institute in Moscow, Russia. The presentation was given in both Russian and English. (Did you know? We have many multi-lingual library staff!) Continue reading